Hi I am trying to load an extern image into a PXCImage
object. I pretend to use this function:
void LoadImageFromLocal(PXCSession* session, PXCImage **dst_img, const char * path)
IplImage *image = cvLoadImage(path);
unsigned char *rgb_data;
int rgb_pitch = image->widthStep; // bytes between image lines
rgb_data = (unsigned char*)image->imageData;
PXCAccelerator * accelerator;
session->CreateAccelerator(PXCAccelerator::ACCEL_TYPE_CPU, &accelerator);
PXCImage::ImageInfo info;
memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
info.height = image->height;
info.width = image->width;
info.format = PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24;
PXCImage::ImageData data;
memset(&data, 0, sizeof(data));
data.format = PXCImage::PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB24;
data.planes[0] = rgb_data;
data.pitches[0] = rgb_pitch;
pxcStatus sts = accelerator->CreateImage(&info, 0, &data, dst_img);
But in my code the PXCAccelerator
class appears as undefined. I am using this libraries: #include "pxcsensemanager.h"
and #include "pxcemotion.h"
. I have the 2014 RSSDK version. What library should I use to access to the PXCAccelerator
Looks like the PXCAccelerator was part of the (now deprecated) Intel Perceptual Computing SDK, but doesn't exist in the Intel RealSense SDK.
Now you should use PXCSession::CreateImage
PXCImage* CreateImage(PXCImage::ImageInfo *info, PXCImage::ImageData *data);