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How to use the optional hostname parameter in Node.js server.listen()

From what I've read in tutorials so far, the optional hostname parameter to server.listen(port[, hostname][, backlog][, callback]) has always been either (loopback), (listen on every available network interface, the default option), or one of the actual IP addresses available to the server. Everything else will give an Error: listen EADDRNOTAVAIL. Is that the whole picture? (I believe hostname is technically different from IP...)

I wasn't able to find out too much about it from the doc...


  • So, you need a resolvable DNS host name for this to work. For a quick example, I edited the /etc/hosts file to include the following entry:

    ... MyTestDnsHostName.local

    then I flushed the resolver cache with the good old dscacheutil -flushcache and used the following bit of code in a simple Node.js server.

    var http = require('http')
      , PORT = 8080;
    function handleRequest( request, response ){
        response.end( 'It Works!' );
    var server = http.createServer( handleRequest );
    server.listen( PORT, "MyTestDnsHostName.local", 34, function(){
        console.log( "Server listening on port:%s", PORT );

    And sure enough it works.

    The error EADDRNOTAVAIL means that it's resolvable but not available; now, to be able to bind to it, it should be bindable (available) as well.

    You can do a lsof -i TCP to check where it's binded.

    However, I don't see why you have to bind the server elsewhere; binding to the loopback is the best practice.

    Yeah, so it's actually a security flaw; if you bind it to all available interfaces, what you're essentially saying is that Listen to every available network interface there is. This may pose a security vulnerebility as it may bind to adapters you don't want it on; I've had first-hand experience of this while deploying a RoR application.

    The subnet is a very fancy way of saying: these are all the network interfaces I have on this computer, whilst is ALWAYS the local-only interface. If you bind it to this, you get rid of quite a few security problems. One of which can be that the "hacker" tries to attach a listener on all interfaces, and if you don't have a very strict firewall, somewhere or the other, a leak may be present.

    This is not a rule as such, but just a best practice.

    P.S.: The code is a snippet I pulled off from Modulus' blog; it's quick if I want to try something out.