How to make test files and feature files in different directories in py-test-bdd?
I have had a look at the py-test documentation under "Organizing your scenarios" section.
My current structure is:
feature directory
feature file #1 (named log.feature)
feature file #2
feature file #3
test file #1
test file #2
test file #3
with current code doing:
@scenario('features/log.feature', 'scenario description #1')
But instead what I would actually like is:
feature directory
feature file #1
feature file #2
feature file #3
test directory (named tests)
test file #1
test file #2
test file #3
I tried writing the code:
@scenario('bdd/features/log.feature', 'scenario description #1')
But when executing this line above what is actually tries to do is bdd/tests/bdd/features/log.feature and obviously it throws an error directory does not exist.
How do I get it to do bdd/features/log.feature ?
Just need to do ../ to jump to preceding directory. ie:
@scenario('../features/log.feature', 'scenario title #1')
If you have more directories, just need to do ../../../ and repeat ../ as many times as directories as you want to go upwards.
If you have more than 1 scenario, then just declare a variable at the top and pass in this variable to every @scenario, ie:
myFilePath = '../features/log.feature'
@scenario(myFilePath, 'scenario title #1')
@scenario(myFilePath, 'scenario title #2')