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SQL Pivot Rows to Column

Thought this would be easy but I am having trouble. I need to pivot (or unpivot) a table (called da_LMP_downloads) with 100,000+ rows. I'm starting with this: table_before


Market Day | Node| Node_Type | LMP_Value| HE1 | HE2| HE 3|.......|HE24|

10/1/12 |AEC| Interface | LMP | 17.82 | 16.44 | 16.45

10/1/12 |AEC| Interface | MCC | .14 | .16 | .62

10/1/12 |AEC| Interface | MLC | -.38 | -.34 | .34

But need it to look like this after the pivot: table_after


Market_Day | Node | HE | daLMP | daMCC | daMLC

10/1/12 | AEC | 1 | 17.82 | .14 | -.38

10/1/12 | AEC | 2| 16.44| .16 | -.34

10/1/12 | AEC | 3 | 16.45 | .62 | .34


  • IF your dbms is SQL Server then you can use CROSS APPLY with VALUES to achieve the "unpivot" portion, but you also need a small "pivot" operation as well it appears and for that a GROUP BY will work. Note this is ONLY applicable to SQL Server, other databases have very different syntax for unpivot/pivot.

    /* input looks like this...
    Market_Day Node Node_Type LMP_Value HE1   HE2   .... HE24
    2012-10-01 AEC Interface  LMP       17.82 16.44 .... 19.77
        , sq.Node
        , sq.Node_Type
        , sq.HE
        , MAX(sq.daLMP) AS daLMP
        , MAX(sq.daMCC) AS daMCC
        , MAX(sq.daMLC) AS daMLC
    FROM (
              , t.Node
              , t.Node_Type
              , ca.HE
              , CASE WHEN LMP_Value = 'LMP' THEN ca.val END AS daLMP
              , CASE WHEN LMP_Value = 'MCC' THEN ca.val END AS daMCC
              , CASE WHEN LMP_Value = 'MLC' THEN ca.val END AS daMLC
          FROM Table1 t
                CROSS APPLY (
                            (1, HE1)
                          , (2, HE2)
                          , (3, HE3)
                          , (4, HE4)
                          , (5, HE5)
                          , (6, HE6)
                          , (7, HE7)
                          , (8, HE8)
                          , (9, HE9)
                          , (10, HE10)
                          , (11, HE11)
                          , (12, HE12)
                          , (13, HE13)
                          , (14, HE14)
                          , (15, HE15)
                          , (16, HE16)
                          , (17, HE17)
                          , (18, HE18)
                          , (19, HE19)
                          , (20, HE20)
                          , (21, HE21)
                          , (22, HE22)
                          , (23, HE23)
                          , (24, HE24)
                            ) AS ca (HE, val)
        ) AS sq
        , sq.Node
        , sq.Node_Type
        , sq.HE

    Note TSQL actually does have both "pivot" and "unpivot" operators but I find using cross apply/values to be as efficient and simpler to implement.