Firstly, I know about the problem with the starting XML tag my question not about it.
I have a many multi-layered .ai files (Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 19v) Each layer it is a copy previous layer + some changes. (something similar to this)
If I save top layer it is perfectly displayed on all devices. (desktop, android, WP8.1)
If I save lower layers it is do not displayed in WP 8.1.
I tried different options are saved, but nothing has changed. This occurs with each .ai file.
Then I decided to explore the text representation of the svg files. If I copy the style from top layer at the nontop, then everything is OK. They are displayed.
Start SVG file TOP LAYER (7/7) - (displayed)
<svg id="lesson_2_7" data-name="lesson 2 7" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 686 526"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a2a2a2;}.cls-3{fill:#6c6c6c;}.cls-4{fill:#a9aeb7;}.cls-5{fill:#6f6f6f;}.cls-6{mask:url(#mask);}.cls-7{fill:#adadad;}.cls-8{mask:url(#mask-2);}.cls-9{fill:#46cc00;}.cls-10{fill:#fff7f7;}.cls-11{filter:url(#luminosity-noclip-2);}.cls-12{filter:url(#luminosity-noclip);}</style>
Start SVG file NONTOP LAYER (5/7) - (not displayed)
<svg id="lesson_2_5" data-name="lesson 2 5" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 686 526"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#fff7f7;}</style>
Start SVG file NONTOP LAYER with Style from TOP (5/7) - (displayed)
<svg id="lesson_2_5" data-name="lesson 2 5" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 686 526"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#fff;}.cls-2{fill:#a2a2a2;}.cls-3{fill:#6c6c6c;}.cls-4{fill:#a9aeb7;}.cls-5{fill:#6f6f6f;}.cls-6{mask:url(#mask);}.cls-7{fill:#adadad;}.cls-8{mask:url(#mask-2);}.cls-9{fill:#46cc00;}.cls-10{fill:#fff7f7;}.cls-11{filter:url(#luminosity-noclip-2);}.cls-12{filter:url(#luminosity-noclip);}</style>
As if not enough styles to display the image.
I downloaded the entire SVG for example here.
Someone met similar? I'll be glad to any idea. Perhaps, as need to configure AI for export?
IE in PhoneGap doesn't not render SVG with < 7 styles.