I'm implementing this tone-generator program and it works great:
What I can't figure out, is why the following two lines of code:
One "write" makes sense, but why the second "write"?
The example is a bit cryptic but the wave file is configured to be 2 channels thus the two writes are simply sending the same audio data to both channels.
The wave header is this hardcoded bit:
Dim Hdr() As Integer = {&H46464952, 36 + Bytes, &H45564157, _
&H20746D66, 16, &H20001, 44100, _
176400, &H100004, &H61746164, Bytes}
Which decoded means:
H46464952 = 'RIFF' (little endian) 36+Bytes = Length of header + length of data H45564157 = 'WAVE' (little endian) H20746D66 = 'fmt ' (little endian) 16 = length of fmt chunk (always 16) H20001 = 0x0001: PCM, 0x0002: 2 channels 44100 = sampleRate 176400 = sampleRate*numChannels*bytesPerSample = 44100*2*2 H100004 = 0x0004: numChannels*bytesPerSample, 0x0010: bitsPerSample (16) H61746164 = 'data' Bytes = size of data chunk