I have been working with an app that uses the Tesseract API in order to support OCR. This is done by using a Surfaceview which shows the camera output (Camera2 API) and a ImageReader instance which is used to get the images from the camera. The camera is setup to be of the type setRepeatingRequest
so new images are available very frequent. When I make a call to the getutf8text()
method to get the readable text in images it makes the preview of the camera which is showed on the Surfaceview lag.
Are there any settings in the Tesseract API which can be set so it speeds up the getutf8text()
method call or anything else I can do in order to get the preview Surfaceview to not lag?
Any help or guidance is appreciated!
Most of the things that you can do to speed up performance occur separately from the Tesseract API itself:
.You didn't say what Tesseract API settings you're using now, and you didn't describe what your app does in a general sense, so it's hard to tell you where to start, but these points should get you started.