Let's say I have this string:
map_data = " *-* ; /|x|\ ; *-*-*-*; /|x|x|x|;-*-*-*-*-*; \|x|x|x|; *-*-*-*; \|x|/ ; *-* ;"
I would like to split the string into an ordered table at the semicolons. Once I have done that I would like to take each element of the table and split each character into an ordered table (nested within the first table). The idea is to create a 2 dimensional table for an ascii map.
I have tried this (but it's not working and I also suspect there is an easier way):
map_data = " *-* ; /|x|\ ; *-*-*-*; /|x|x|x|;-*-*-*-*-*; \|x|x|x|; *-*-*-*; \|x|/ ; *-* ;"
map = {}
p = 1
pp = 1
for i in string.gmatch(map_data, "(.*);") do
map[p] = {}
for ii in string.gmatch(i, ".") do
map[p][pp] = ii
pp = pp + 1
p = p + 1
It's been years since I've touched Lua but assuming you fix the escape character issue can't you then just do something along the lines of...
map = {{}} -- map initially contains one empty line
for i = 1, #map_data do
local c = map_data:sub(i,i)
if c == ';' then
map[#map+1] = {} -- add another line to the end of map
map[#map][ #map[#map] + 1] = c -- add c to last line in map