I'm trying to get (by a pid) the process cpu usage. I did some research about it and I found out that I can calculate it by using the GetSystemTimes() function. I found the calculation in this link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/10258/How-to-get-CPU-usage-of-processes-and-threads
And I need this code in Python But I don't know how to do this. So I found this code: https://sites.google.com/site/cadspython/home/modules/calcprocesscpuusage-py
I was trying to run it, and everything was working fine, but when I ran a little Python program (which took 28% from the cpu utilization), the code was showing me 100% and 98%. Which is not good.
So, I am asking for a code which calculate a process cpu usage by using the GetSystemTimes() function in Python (with pywin32).
Thanks in advance.
After a little more research I found the solution.
So in order to get the % of a process cpu usage we need some parameters:
To calculate this we need user mode time, kernel mode time and idle mode time:
from ctypes import *
import time
class FILETIME(Structure):
_fields_ = [
("dwLowDateTime", DWORD),
("dwHighDateTime", DWORD)]
def GetSystemTimes():
Uses the function GetSystemTimes() (win32) in order to get the user mode time, kernel mode time and idle mode time
:return: user time, kernel time and idle time (Dictinary)
__GetSystemTimes = windll.kernel32.GetSystemTimes
idleTime, kernelTime, userTime = FILETIME(), FILETIME(), FILETIME()
success = __GetSystemTimes(
assert success, ctypes.WinError(ctypes.GetLastError())[1]
return {
"idleTime": idleTime.dwLowDateTime,
"kernelTime": kernelTime.dwLowDateTime,
"userTime": userTime.dwLowDateTime
def get_sys():
FirstSystemTimes = GetSystemTimes()
SecSystemTimes = GetSystemTimes()
The total amount of time the system has operated since the last measurement is calculated by getting
kernel + user
usr = SecSystemTimes['userTime'] - FirstSystemTimes['userTime']
ker = SecSystemTimes['kernelTime'] - FirstSystemTimes['kernelTime']
idl = SecSystemTimes['idleTime'] - FirstSystemTimes['idleTime']
sys = usr + ker
return sys
To get these parameters first we need to create a new process handle and then we will be able to get the process user mode time and process kernel time:
def cpu_process_util(pid):
Returns the process usage of CPU
Source: http://www.philosophicalgeek.com/2009/01/03/determine-cpu-usage-of-current-process-c-and-c/
:return: Process CPU usage (int)
# Creates a process handle
proc = win32api.OpenProcess(ALL_PROCESS_ACCESS, False, pid)
FirstProcessTimes = win32process.GetProcessTimes(proc)
SecProcessTimes = win32process.GetProcessTimes(proc)
Process CPU usage is calculated by getting the total amount of time
the system has operated since the last measurement
made up of kernel + user) and the total
amount of time the process has run (kernel + user).
proc_time_user_prev = FirstProcessTimes['UserTime']
proc_time_kernel_prev = FirstProcessTimes['KernelTime']
proc_time_user = SecProcessTimes['UserTime']
proc_time_kernel = SecProcessTimes['KernelTime']
proc_usr = proc_time_user - proc_time_user_prev
proc_ker = proc_time_kernel - proc_time_kernel_prev
proc_total_time = proc_usr + proc_ker
return (100 * proc_total_time) / get_sys()