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Converting a case class hierarchy to scalaz.Tree with Shapeless

Consider the following hierarchy:

sealed trait Ex
case class Lit(value: Int) extends Ex
case class Var(name: Char) extends Ex
case class Add(a: Ex, b: Ex) extends Ex

I'd like to convert expressions such as val ex = Add(Lit(0),Add(Lit(1),Var('a'))) into a scalaz.Tree[Either[Class[Any],Any]]], which in this case would give:

-\/(class Add)
+- -\/(class Lit)
|  |
|  `- \/-(0)
`- -\/(class Add)
   +- -\/(class Lit)
   |  |
   |  `- \/-(1)
   `- -\/(class Var)
      `- \/-(a)

Which is the most appropriate Shapeless functionality/example to start from for doing this?


  • First for a disclaimer: if you're planning to use this in real code, I think it's almost certainly a bad idea. It'd be better to try to use Shapeless to do what you're trying to do directly rather than going through this type-unsafe representation. But it's a fun problem, so here goes.

    (Oh, and another disclaimer: this implementation is off the top of head and there may be nicer ways to accomplish this.)

    First for a helper type class (note that all of the code in the three sections below will need to be defined together—you can use :paste if you're in a REPL):

    import scalaz.{ Show, Tree, \/ }, scalaz.syntax.either._
    import shapeless._, ops.hlist.ToTraversable
    trait TreeifyCc[A, C] {
      def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: C): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any]
    trait LowPriorityTreeifyCc {
      implicit def singleMemberTreeifyCc[A, C, R <: HList, X](implicit
        gen: Generic.Aux[C, R],
        ev: R <:< (X :: HNil)
       ): TreeifyCc[A, C] = new TreeifyCc[A, C] {
        def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: C): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] = Tree.Node(
    object TreeifyCc extends LowPriorityTreeifyCc {
      implicit def recursiveTreeifyCc[A, C, R <: HList](implicit
        gen: Generic.Aux[C, R],
        ts: ToTraversable.Aux[R, Stream, A]
      ): TreeifyCc[A, C] = new TreeifyCc[A, C] {
        def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: C): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] =
          Tree.Node(c.getClass.left, ts(

    And another helper type class:

    trait TreeifyAdt[A, C] {
      def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: C): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any]
    object TreeifyAdt {
      implicit def cnilTreeifyAdt[A]: TreeifyAdt[A, CNil] =
        new TreeifyAdt[A, CNil] {
          def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: CNil): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] =
      implicit def cconsAdt[A, H, T <: Coproduct](implicit
        cc: TreeifyCc[A, H],
        ta: TreeifyAdt[A, T]
      ): TreeifyAdt[A, H :+: T] = new TreeifyAdt[A, H :+: T] {
        def apply(tf: Treeify[A], c: H :+: T): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] = c match {
          case Inl(h) => cc(tf, h)
          case Inr(t) => ta(tf, t)

    And the type class we actually care about:

    trait Treeify[A] {
      def apply(a: A): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any]
    object Treeify {
      implicit def treeifyAdt[A, R <: Coproduct](implicit
        gen: Generic.Aux[A, R],
        adt: TreeifyAdt[A, R]
      ): Treeify[A] = new Treeify[A] {
        def apply(a: A): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] = adt(this,
      def toTree[A](a: A)(implicit tf: Treeify[A]): Tree[Class[_] \/ Any] = tf(a)

    And we can use it like this:

    scala> val ex: Ex = Add(Lit(0), Add(Lit(1), Var('a')))
    ex: Ex = Add(Lit(0),Add(Lit(1),Var(a)))
    scala> Treeify.toTree(ex).drawTree(scalaz.Show.showFromToString)
    res0: String =
    "-\/(class Add)
    +- -\/(class Lit)
    |  |
    |  `- \/-(0)
    `- -\/(class Add)
       +- -\/(class Lit)
       |  |
       |  `- \/-(1)
       `- -\/(class Var)
          `- \/-(a)

    This will work for any ADT where all of the leaves either have a single member or one or more recursive members.