I have the below command:
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
Logname = 'Application'
ID = 1000
ProviderName = 'Application Error'
} -MaxEvents 1 | select TimeCreated
I get the below as output:
TimeCreated ----------- 04-Jan-16 11:29:11 PM
I want this value to be saved into a variable and add two hours into it, like this:
$ErrorTime = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
Logname = 'Application'
ID = 1000
ProviderName = 'Application Error'
} -MaxEvents 1 | select TimeCreated
$Time1 = ($ErrorTime).AddHours(2)
But doing the above is not giving me the desired answer. It is not storing the time as value.
You need to expand the TimeCreated
property of the event object to get the DateTime
$ErrorTime = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{
Logname = 'Application'
ID = 1000
ProviderName = 'Application Error'
} -MaxEvents 1 | Select-Object -Expand TimeCreated
$Time1 = $ErrorTime.AddHours(2)
You can get the date and time portion of the timestamp via the object's Date
and Time
$date = $Time1.Date
$time = $Time1.Time