Im trying to make an app in Rails 4.
I have two scopes in my qualifications model:
scope :completed, ->{ where(pending: !true) }
scope :pending, -> { where(pending: true) }
I am trying to list them (newest first) in my view.
I have this view file:
<% Qualification.pending.sort_by.year_earned.asc.each do |qualification| %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="profilequalifications">
<%= qualification.current_study %>
<% end %>
<% Qualification.completed.sort_by(&:year_earned).each do |qualification| %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="profilequalifications">
<%= qualification.completed_award %>
<% end %>
The second index works - but in the wrong order.
The first index - I have tried a million variations on the expression but can't find one that doesnt throw an error.
I have tried each of the above, and the following (each of which are following examples I found on this site):
<% Qualification.pending.sort_by(&:year_earned).reverse_order.each do |qualification| %>
<% Qualification.pending.sort_by(&:year_earned.reverse).each do |qualification| %>
<% Qualification.pending.sort_by('&:year_earned ASC').each do |qualification| %>
<% Qualification.pending.sort_by('year_earned ASC').each do |qualification| %>
Rather than list them all out - does anyone know how to list in ascending order?
I think you want Qualification.pending.order(year_earned: :asc).each do |qualification|
See this for more information: