I cannot find the actual hamcrest.framework - only the source code. What steps are to take to actually include into xcode ? I tried to compile the source code but do not get it connected to a new project I want to create.
It's actually quite easy. And there is a really great tutorial at Ray Wenderlich's web page ! So check out: http://www.raywenderlich.com/97014/use-cocoapods-with-swift
1) Create an XCode Project (where you want to use Hamcrest)
2) close Xcode
3) Open Terminal-Window and goto path of Xcode Project File
4) (if not already installed) install cocoapods: (this takes quite a while, so don't panic)
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup --verbose // for verbose output
pod init // if it fails with error message you might not be in the correct path)
5) Open Pod-File
open -a Xcode Podfile
6) Edit Pod-File
platform :ios, "8.0"
7) integrate hamcrest as described in github (swifthamcrest)
target 'HamcrestDemoTests' do // name of your File
pod 'SwiftHamcrest'
8) Safe File and start installation
pod install
9) Open your Project using the .xcworkspace
10) import Hamcrest in your TestSuite
import XCTest
import Hamcrest
@testable import test
class testTests: XCTestCase {
Don't worry about initial errors that it cannot find the module. They will go away after first building the project.