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More Descriptive Error Messages From GHC

I ran some code through GHCI, and got this error:

*** Exception: Prelude.!!: index too large

After a while I went on to fix the bug (which was caused, as you might imagine, by an index that was too large), but I wish GHC would have told me at what line this large index was being evaluated.

Is there a way to either

  • A) make GHCI more verbose, or
  • B) use a common practice that avoids this error somehow (shy of using smaller indexes, of course)


  • You can use GHC's profiling facilities to get a kind of stack trace on errors, for example, suppose this is your source file:

    xs :: [Int]
    xs = [1..10]
    foo :: Int -> IO ()
    foo i = print $ xs !! i
    main :: IO ()
    main = mapM_ foo [1..10]

    If you compile this with

    ghc --make -prof -fprof-auto  StackTrace.hs 

    then run it as

    ./StackTrace +RTS -xc

    then you get

    *** Exception (reporting due to +RTS -xc): (THUNK_1_0), stack trace: 
      --> evaluated by:,
      called from Main.main,
      called from Main.CAF
    StackTrace: Prelude.!!: index too large

    which at least tells you the mainfoo chain.