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How do I check if the user is typing in a text field?

How would you check if the user is typing into a text input (Flex TextArea, TextInput, RichEditableText)?

In my AIR app I want to listen for keyboard events on the application but I only want to respond if they are not typing into a text field and if no other component handles it.

For example, I want to listen to the A key and run a command. But only if they are not typing into a text field.

FYI I added a NativeFlexMenu and added keyboard modifier to it for A and it is capturing the key event even when the user is typing in a text field.


  • This appears to work when added to the application. The one problem with this is that if a text field has focus it will continue to have focus even if you click on the application. I might try to add an click event handler to change focus.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication keyUp="application1_keyUpHandler(event)"
    protected function application1_keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
        var keyCode:int = event.keyCode;
        var applicable:Boolean;
        var focusedObject:Object;
        var target:Object =;
        if (keyCode==Keyboard.A || 
            keyCode==Keyboard.B || 
            keyCode==Keyboard.C) {
            if (!event.controlKey && !event.commandKey) {
                applicable = true;
        if (!applicable) return;
        focusedObject = focusManager.getFocus();
        if (focusedObject is Application || is Stage) {
            isApplication = true;
        //var t:int = getTimer();
        if (target is RichEditableText ||
            focusedObject is IEditableText ||
            focusedObject is SkinnableTextBase ||
            focusedObject is TextField ||
            focusedObject is FTETextField ||
            focusedObject is FlexHTMLLoader ||
            focusedObject is ComboBox) {
            applicable = false;
        //trace("time:" + (getTimer() - t)); takes 0 ms
        if (applicable) {
            if (keyCode==Keyboard.A) {
                // do something
            else if (keyCode==Keyboard.B) {
                // do something
            else if (keyCode==Keyboard.C) {
                // do something