I have a string of poker hands that looks like this:
The number after the hand represents the weight from 0-100%. I then convert this into a dictionary that I can read the weight of the hand. The problem is the data I get lumps AKs and AKo into just AK if both hands are at the same weight. So I need some way to turn AK:1 into AKs:1 and AKo:1 and get rid of the AK:1
right now I have code that just deals with the hands and not the weights:
def parse_preflop_hand(hand):
if len(hand) < 3 and hand[0] != hand[1]: #this avoids pairs like AA and hands like AKs
new_hand = hand + 's' + ', ' + hand + 'o'
new_hand = hand
return new_hand
This turns AK into AKs, AKo but when I append it to a list it gets added as one item not two separate items. It also leaves the original hand in the list.
Are you using Python3? The most minimal change to make that work is probably:
def parse_preflop_hand(hand):
if len(hand) < 3 and hand[0] != hand[1]:
parsed_hand = [hand + 's', hand + 'o']
parsed_hand = [hand]
yield from parsed_hand
Then in your main code you'll do something like:
for parsed_hand in parse_preflop_hand(unparsed_hand):
The whole code to me is probably:
# note this is different from the minimal change above
def parse_preflop_hand(hand, value):
if len(hand) < 3 and hand[0] != hand[1]:
return {hand + 's': value, hand+'o': value}
return {hand: value}
final_dict = {}
for token in handstring.split(','):
for unparsed_hand, value in token.split(":"):