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Javafx tableview with data from multiple classes

I have no problem filling my tableview with diffrent data from 1 class. But it does not work for me with multiple classes. Any idea how to solve that? I have checked out similar questions on stackoverflow. But none of them could help me. If you suggest anything with the "Callback" class, please provide me the full import, because there are a couple of Callback classes out there.

public class MainViewController implements Initializable {

    private TableColumn<TaskControl, Boolean> colErledigt;

    private TableColumn<TaskControl, Character> colPrioritaet;

    private TableColumn<TaskControl, String> colBeschreibung;

    private TableColumn<ProjectControl, String> colProjekt;

    private TableView<TaskControl> tblView;

    public final void initialize(final URL location,
            final ResourceBundle resources) {



    public final void initializeTableElements() {
                .setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("description"));

                .setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("priority"));

        colProjekt.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("name"));

                new PropertyValueFactory<TaskControl, Boolean>("isDone"));

        try {
        } catch (IDNotValidException | StringNotValidException e1) {
            System.out.print("FEHLER beim getObsTasks");


    public ObservableList<TaskControl> getObsTasks()
            throws IDNotValidException, StringNotValidException {

        ObservableList<TaskControl> obsTasks = FXCollections

        Map<Context, Set<Task>> test = TasksContextUtility.INSTANCE

        test.values().forEach(v -> {
            v.forEach(b -> obsTasks.add((TaskControl) b));

        return obsTasks;

Further question: How can I show a certain Attribute of an Instance in a HashSet in a TableCell. So I have in my TaskControl class a HashSet. In that HashSet there are Instances of the class "ProjectControl". Every instance of ProjectControl has attributes like "name" or "id" etc.

And I want to represent all the names of the project instances in 1 single table cell if possible. Maybe as a string seperated with commas (project1,project2,project3...).

Task class (shortened a lot) my TaskControl Class inherits from this class

public abstract class Task
  implements Serializable, IDValidatable
  private int id;
  private char priority = ' ';
  private final Set<Project> projects = new HashSet();

  public Task(int oid)
    throws IDNotValidException
    if (isIDValid(oid)) { = oid;
    } else {
      throw new IDNotValidException("The ID you have specified is not valid!")
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 99044660889990790L;

  public final void setId(int oid)
    throws IDNotValidException
    if (isIDValid(oid)) { = oid;
    } else {
      throw new IDNotValidException("The ID you have specified is not valid!")
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 99044660889990790L;

  public final int getId()

  public final Collection<Context> getContexts()
    return this.contexts;

  public final void addContext(Context context)
    throws ContextNotValidException

  public final void removeContext(Context context)
    throws ContextNotValidException

  public final Collection<Project> getProjects()
    return this.projects;

  public final void addProject(Project project)
    throws ProjectNotValidException

  public final void removeProject(Project project)
    throws ProjectNotValidException

  public final Map<String, String> getAddons()
    return this.addons;


  • Solved it by adding an additional String to my TaskControl, that contains the names of all the projects it contains. It gets the names through a function that I call just before I create the ObservableList for the Table Column.

    private String projectsAsString;
    public final void convertProjectsToString() {
        String projects = "";
        for (Project p : this.getProjects()) {
            ProjectControl pp = (ProjectControl) p;
            projects += pp.getName() + ", ";
        if (projects != null && projects != "" && projects.length() > 4) {
            projects = projects.substring(0, projects.length() - 2);
        this.projectsAsString = projects;

    Thank you guys anyways for helping me.