I have a conditional requirement:
[Display(Name = "Contract Number:")]
[RequiredIf("CandidateType", "Contractor")]
public string ContractNumber { get; set; }
And in the view:
@Html.DisplayTextFor(x => x.CandidateType)
@Html.DisplayNameFor(x=>x.ContractNumber)<br />
@Html.TextBoxForWithTitle(x=>x.ContractNumber, new { @id = "txtContractNumber", @class = "textNormal"})
But the validation fails because the display for helper does not have the name of the field. How do you fix this? It works if I use TextBoxFor and set it to readonly, but it looks silly.
You can add a hidden input for the value
@Html.HiddenFor(x => x.CandidateType)
or style the element created by TextBoxFor()
to remove the borders, padding etc. if you want to appear to to look like the element created by DisplayTextFor()