I am getting $status_date from mysql database and when I echo $status_date it looks like this -> 2016-01-08 22:18:14. I am setting $now and when I echo it looks like this -> 2016-01-08 22:43:27. I want to subtract $status_date from $now. Here is my code:
$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$status_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime($row['status_date']));
$x = $now-$status_date;
$x returns this -> 0
Why is it not subracting?
Dates don't subtract like that. Convert both dates to time, subtract, and convert back to a date.
$now = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$status_date = strtotime($row['status_date']);
$x = date($now-$status_date);
However if you're trying to get the time between the dates consider the moment library.