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Factory method with string argument

In DryIoc, how do I pass a string argument to a factory method?

In the Wiki, there's an example on how to pass another registered class, but I can't seem to figure out how to pass a string.

Given the following:

public interface MyInterface

public class MyImplementationA : MyInterface
    public MyImplementationA(string value) { }

public class Factory
    public MyInterface Create(string value)
        return new MyImplementationA(value);

public class MyService1
    public MyService1(MyInterface implementation) {  }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var c = new Container();
        c.Register<MyInterface>(Reuse.Singleton, made: Made.Of(r => ServiceInfo.Of<Factory>(),
            f => f.Create("some value") //How do I pass a string to the factory method?


        var a = c.Resolve<MyService1>();


  • If you want to inject a string value for specific dependency you can do it like this:

        made: Made.Of(r => ServiceInfo.Of<Factory>(),
               // Arg.Index(0) is a placeholder for value, like {0} in string.Format("{0}", "blah")
                f => f.Create(Arg.Index<string>(0)), 
                requestIgnored => "blah or something else"));

    Here the similar example from the wiki on how to provide Consumer type to log4net logger.

    Another way is c.RegisterInstance("value of blah", serviceKey: ConfigKeys.Blah);.

    Or you can use FactoryMethod registration to register string provider, to get calculated, lazy, or whatever value. Example with attributed registration for clarity:

    [Export, AsFactory]
    public class Config
        public string GetBlah()
          // retrieve value and
          return result;    
    // In composition root:
    using DryIoc.MefAttributedModel;
    // ...
    var c = new Container().WithAttributedModel();
    c.RegisterExports(typeof(Config), /* other exports */);