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Sprite Kit game crashes on Game Over on tvOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2

I have a Sprite Kit game that is crashing when the game is over. This happening on the tvOS 9.1 and iOS 9.2. Before, I had it running on iOS 9.1 without crashing.

It seems to be an OpenGL issue, but when I search the function in Xcode, it doesn't come up with anything.

Unfortunately, the error is not consistent in appearing in the console. Here's the error:

Jet: draw_indexed: indexType must be 'unsigned_int' or 'unsigned_short'
Assertion failed: (indexType == jet_component_type_unsigned_int || indexType
== jet_component_type_unsigned_short), function draw_indexed, file
1.50.1/Jet/, line 1426.

Xcode also points to the AppDelate class when it crashes:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate

enter image description here

With breakpoint exception enabled, Xcode points to this line. It's a constant for a sound file:

 let soundHitLava = SKAction.playSoundFileNamed("DrownFireBug.mp3",
waitForCompletion: false)

More info from the exception breakpoint:

SpriteKit`+[SKAction(SKActions) playSoundFileNamed:waitForCompletion:]:
  0x10b95e738 <+0>:  pushq  %rbp
  0x10b95e739 <+1>:  movq   %rsp, %rbp
  0x10b95e73c <+4>:  movq   0x15bf8d(%rip), %rdi      ; (void   *)0x000000010babd020: SKPlaySound
  0x10b95e743 <+11>: movq   0x1618b6(%rip), %rax      ; (void   *)0x000000010b412be8: CGPointZero
  0x10b95e74a <+18>: movsd  (%rax), %xmm0
  0x10b95e74e <+22>: movsd  0x8(%rax), %xmm1
  0x10b95e753 <+27>: movq   0x159a46(%rip), %rsi      ; "playSoundFileNamed:atPosition:waitForCompletion:"
  0x10b95e75a <+34>: movzbl %cl, %ecx
  0x10b95e75d <+37>: callq  *0x1619a5(%rip)           ; (void *)0x000000010d09e800: objc_msgSend
  0x10b95e763 <+43>: movq   %rax, %rdi
  0x10b95e766 <+46>: callq  0x10ba192e8               ; symbol stub for:   objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue
  0x10b95e76b <+51>: movq   %rax, %rdi  // **Thread 1: Breakpoint 1.2
  0x10b95e76e <+54>: popq   %rbp
  0x10b95e76f <+55>: jmp    0x10ba1929a               ; symbol stub for:   objc_autoreleaseReturnValue

Here's the GameOver function in the GameScene:

 override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) {

    #if os(tvOS) // tvOS
    if startTouchX == 0.0 {
        startTouchX = (touches.first?.locationInNode(self).x)!

   switch gameState.currentState {
    case is WaitingForTap:
    // Switch to playing state

    case is GameOver:
     let newScene = GameScene(fileNamed:"GameScene")
     newScene!.scaleMode = .AspectFill
     let reveal = SKTransition.flipHorizontalWithDuration(0.5)
     self.view?.presentScene(newScene!, transition: reveal)

     self.saveHighScore("com.prismstudios.jumpingcarl.leaderboard", score: GameState.sharedInstance.highScore)

     GameState.sharedInstance.highScore = 0
     GameState.sharedInstance.coins = 0


And here is the GameOver class:

import SpriteKit
import GameplayKit

class GameOver: GKState {
  unowned let scene: GameScene

init(scene: SKScene) {
self.scene = scene as! GameScene

override func didEnterWithPreviousState(previousState: GKState?) {
if previousState is Playing {

  let gameOver = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "GameOver")
  gameOver.position = scene.getCameraPosition()
  gameOver.zPosition = 10

  let explosion = scene.explosion(6.0)
  explosion.position = gameOver.position
  explosion.zPosition = 11


 override func isValidNextState(stateClass: AnyClass) -> Bool {
   return stateClass is WaitingForTap.Type


  • The answer I found out was to lower the SKEmitterNode birthrate and particles to emit as this would cause the game to crash.

    In the GameScene.swift:

    func explosion(intensity: CGFloat) -> SKEmitterNode {
       let emitter = SKEmitterNode()
       let particleTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "spark")
       emitter.zPosition = 2
       emitter.particleTexture = particleTexture
       //LOWER the particleBirthRate and numParticlesToEmit
       emitter.particleBirthRate = 50; //4000 * intensity
       emitter.numParticlesToEmit = 50; //Int(400 * intensity)

    Once lowered to 50 respectively, then the game wouldn't crash. I don't know why this is happening, but Apple is currently working on this and is considered a bug.