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Cannot compile OpenCV for iOS with nonfree module

I'm attempting to compile the OpenCV framework for iOS using the nonfree module. Right now, I'm not able to compile the OpenCV framework, period. I would use the stock iOS opencv2.framework download from the website, except it doesn't include the nonfree module that I need for my project. I've been following the instructions as prescribed here:

as these appear they might be out of date

However, when I run the command from a folder outside the building directories "python opencv-master/platforms/ios/ --contrib opencv_contrib-master ios_contrib" it spits out the following error:

The error doesn't mean much to me. I thought at first it was related to me building it inside the same directory as opencv, but I tried it outside of it and it still failed. Any thoughts? I've tried everything I can possibly think of, and done a bunch of research without coming up with anything.


  • It appears there's some issue with one of the modules in opencv_contrib. I'm not sure what it is, but I was using version 3.0.0-rc-1. The way I got around it was by moving specific modules from the module folder in the contrib folder into the regular opencv directory's modules folder and then compiling the framework from scratch.