I have a sub report in my main report .
I need to hide a text if sub report returns no rows.
I tried to get the number of records of subreport adding a new variable in main report and setting it as destination variable in return values
property of subreport(for rount_count)
, but when I run the main report, the value of variable is null
To count the record's in subreport
Define a variable in main report
<variable name="subReportCount" class="java.lang.Integer"/>
When calling subreport set the return parameter to you variable
<reportElement x="100" y="20" width="400" height="20" uuid="a7a89ebb-54d4-4b6e-8c9f-c107e8a40bbb"/>
<dataSourceExpression><![CDATA[... your datasource ...]]></dataSourceExpression>
<returnValue subreportVariable="REPORT_COUNT" toVariable="subReportCount"/>
<subreportExpression><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "Your_subreport.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>
This variable can now be used in a textField
, however you need to be careful since the textField
need's to be evaluate at the correct time (after subreport has been executed).
The property on the textField
is evaluationTime
<textField evaluationTime="Report" pattern="###0">
<reportElement positionType="Float" x="300" y="60" width="200" height="20" uuid="125aa2d0-3d4e-4377-bed1-b4531c9142c9"/>
<textElement textAlignment="Right" verticalAlignment="Middle"/>
Evaluation time:
Auto Evaluation time indicating that each variable participating in the expression should be evaluated at a time decided by the engine.
Band The element will be evaluated at band end.
Column A constant specifying that an expression should be evaluated after each column is filled.
Group A constant specifying that an expression should be evaluated after each group break.
Master Used for elements that are evaluated at the moment the master report ends.
Now A constant specifying that an expression should be evaluated at the exact moment in the filling process when it is encountered.
Page A constant specifying that an expression should be evaluated after each page is filled.
Report A constant specifying that an expression should be evaluated at the end of the filling process.
In general when using subreport