I want to have this or should I say I want to fire or call the functions like Wfs_StartUp
, Wfs_Open
, Wfs_Execute
etc within the Form1(void) but I'm getting these errors:
error LNK2028: unresolved token (0A000371) "int _cdecl mytestapp::Wfs_Execute(unsigned short)" (?Wfs_Execute@mytestapp@@$$FYAHG@Z) referenced in function "public: _clrcall mytestapp::Form1::Form1(void)" (??0Form1 @mytestapp@@$$FQ$AAM@XZ)
This error is reported twice but in the second error it's
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int _cdecl mytestapp::Wfs_Execute(unsigned short)" (?Wfs_Execute@mytestapp@@$$FYAHG@Z) referenced in function "public: _clrcall mytestapp::Form1::Form1(void)" (??0Form1@mytestapp@@$$FQ$AAM@XZ)
And the third error:
error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals.
The error is pointing to the function mytestapp::Wfs_Execute. I would check: