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recode into same variable

I have a big set of survey data containing 110 variables. Some answers range from 1 to 5, where 1 is best and 5 is worst. For analysis I would like to invert that, where 5=1, 4=2, 3=3, 2=4, and 1=5.

If I put it into an object it works:

x_inv <- recode(x, "5=1; 4=2;3=3;2=4; 1=5")

Yet if I do it that way, I will end having 110 objects. Thus I am looking for a way to change that variable directly within the data frame.

That for I tried just recode:

recode(x, "5=1; 4=2;3=3;2=4; 1=5")

That works if you look at that variable, yet if you ask for the mean, it hasn't changed, eg from 1.82 to 4.18.

Does anyone know how to do that?


  • Here's a more verbose illustration of how I would do it.

    library(car) #* contains the recode function
    #* Construct a sample data set
    DFrame <- lapply(1:10, 
                     function(i) sample(1:5, 15, replace = TRUE))
    DFrame <-
    DFrame$id = LETTERS[1:15]
    DFrame <- DFrame[, c(11, 1:10)]
    names(DFrame)[-1] <- paste0("Var", 1:10)
    #* Identify variables that need to be recoded.
    #* Searches for any variable that has only values in 1:5
    var_to_reverse <- 
             function(x) all(x %in% 1:5),
    #* In your case, I think recode is a bit of overkill
    #* Here's how to do it with 6 - x
    DFrame2 <- DFrame
    DFrame2[, var_to_reverse] <- 
      lapply(DFrame2[, var_to_reverse, drop = FALSE],
             function(x) 6 - x)
    #* Here's how to do it with recode, if you have a more complex situation.
    DFrame3 <- DFrame
    DFrame3[, var_to_reverse] <- 
      lapply(DFrame3[, var_to_reverse, drop = FALSE],
             recodes = "5=1; 4=2;3=3;2=4; 1=5")
    #* confirm that both methods provide the same result.
    identical(DFrame2, DFrame3)