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Infopath print preview using Calculated field

I have a sharepoint infopath form and tried creating the Print preview page of the form.I used the calculated value field in all the fields. In the multiple selection List box I usedbelow XPath to list all the selected options.

substring(eval(eval(incidentSourceList[. != ""], 'concat(., ", ")'), ".."), 0, string-length(eval(eval(incidentSourceList[. != ""], 'concat(., ", ")'), "..")) - 1)

So my print preview page looks perfect enter image description here

But when we submit the form we see the error like enter image description here I am not sure where exactly is the error. Can anybody help me with this. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • It may be a limitation on using Web form rather than Filler form but you can check this post if it will help you:

    It has the same error and it has a workaround solution. There's also a link there where a manual solution (editing the source) is used.