I am using bar chart of ios charts and I am trying to highlight single bar without tap specific bar. If i change value from slider (if slider value move to 50) then a bar which contains the value (50) must be highlight without tap on bar using ios-charts
The iOS-Charts
api is identical to the MPAndroidChart
android library. So you can refer to MPAndroidChart
's docs. From this page, you can see that there are a couple methods available to make a selection programmatically :
Highlighting programmatically
highlightValues(Highlight[] highs)
: Highlights the values at the given indices in the given DataSets. Provide null or an empty array to undo all highlighting.
highlightValue(int xIndex, int dataSetIndex)
: Highlights the value at the given x-index in the given DataSet. Provide -1 as the x-index or dataSetIndex to undo all highlighting.
: Returns an Highlight[] array that contains information about all highlighted entries, their x-index and dataset-index.
so on the sliderValueChanged event you could call something like this :
[_chartView highlightValueWithXIndex:2 dataSetIndex:0 callDelegate:NO];