When I run this program, After showing Page1 properly, it would create one single page for every cell for row6's result creating 5 additional pages when there should be only 2 pages. It would create 5 Pages for 5 cells.
class PDF extends FPDF
// Page header
function Header()
// Logo
// Arial bold 15
// Move to the right
// Title
$this->Cell(0,10,'Austin Grammar School',0,1,'L');
$this->Cell(90,0,'136 - E, Austin.',0,1,'R');
$this->Cell(0,20,'Academic Report',0,1,'C');
$this->Cell(0,-10,'First Term : 2014-2015',0, 1 ,'C');
//Student Name
$this->Cell(0,25,'Student Name :',0, 0,'L');
$this->Cell(-120,25,'Mr. Abc (2014-353-10)',0, 0,'R');
$this->Cell(0,25,'Address :',0, 0,'L');
$this->Cell(-120,25,'174-XX PA',0, 0,'R');
$this->Cell(88,15,'DOB :',0, 0,'R');
$this->Cell(0,15,'20-Oct-1986',0, 0,'L');
$this->Cell(160,15,'Grade :',0, 0,'R');
$this->Cell(0,15,'X',0, 0,'L');
$this->Cell(-10,15,'Section :',0, 0,'R');
$this->Cell(0,15,'X-ZA',0, 0,'L');
// Line break
// Grading Table
$this->Cell(55,3,"Grading Scheme",1,1,'C');
//Full Page Blue Border
$pdf = new PDF();
$header=array('Subject','October Test ','December Exam','Remarks');
//Data loading
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table Header ~~~~~~~~~~
$pdf->Cell(75,10,'First Term',1,1,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'October Test','TB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'December Exam',1,0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'Term Average',1,0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(75,20,'Teacher\'s Evaluation','TRB',0,'C',0);
//----- table Content-----
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//----- Row 2-----
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//----- Row 3-----
$pdf->Cell(40,40,'Food & Nutrition','LRB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//----- Row 4 -----
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//----- Row 5 -----
$pdf->Cell(40,40,'English language','LRB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//----- Row 6 -----
$pdf->Cell(40,40,'English language','LRB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');
//-- Show Output --------
After each 5 row add Table header in each page using a separate function and add only 5 row in each page. And repeat XY coordinate same as first page.
//----- Row 6 -----
//Next page Header(Better create a function for this)
$pdf->Cell(75,10,'First Term',1,1,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'October Test','TB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'December Exam',1,0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(25,10,'Term Average',1,0,'C',0);
$pdf->Cell(75,20,'Teacher\'s Evaluation','TRB',0,'C',0);
// Row 6 content
$pdf->Cell(40,40,'English language','LRB',0,'C',0);
$pdf->MultiCell(75,10,'dg,lfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwoblfnmdonjfgdnolfdsfsgnonwedwdfwf wrfw wrfwfw wfwf wfwfwfw fwfwfwfw wwob','TRB','L');