I want to dump some simple tables to my local machine's emulator so that i can test my app locally first. i am able to azcopy to my local disk as files. but i can not find how to specify /Dest for storage emulator. can someone help? thanks.
So far AzCopy doesn't support copying table to table directly. To work around it, you can run two commands to firstly export the source table to local, and then import back to the target table.
AzCopy.exe /Source:https://youraccount1.table.core.windows.net/srctable /SourceKey:key1 /Dest:D:\LocalFolder /Manifest:yourfilename /SplitSize:128
AzCopy.exe /Source:D:\LocalFolder /Dest: /DestType:Table /DestKey:key2 /Manifest:yourfilename /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace