I have a pyqt5 widget
class MPLibWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget):
base MatPlotLib widget
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(MPLibWidget, self).__init__(parent)
self.figure = Figure()
self.canvas = FigureCanvasQTAgg(self.figure)
self.mpl_toolbar = NavigationToolbar2QT(self.canvas, self)
self.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
self.axes = self.figure.add_subplot(111)
when I try to use the fit using result.plot_fit(ax=ax), it only plots the data column of the plot fit. Not the init_fit or the best_fit.
def fit(self, data, widget):
self.layers = ['Air', 'BK7', 'SLG']
wv = np.arange(400, 900)
mod = lmfit.Model(self.get_R, ['wavelengths'], ['thickness', 'void_percent'])
mod.set_param_hint('thickness', value=130, min=50, max=250)
mod.set_param_hint('void_percent', value=.15, min=.05, max=.5)
R = data.norm(wv)
result = mod.fit(R, wavelengths=wv)
RMSE = (sp.sum(result.residual**2)/(result.residual.size-2))**0.5
bf_values = result.best_values
bf_str = 'thk: ' + str(round(bf_values['thickness'])) + ", Void %: " + str(round(bf_values['void_percent']*100, 2))
txt_spot = wv.min()-100 + (wv.max()-wv.min()) / 2
ax = widget.figure.axes[0]
result.plot_fit(ax=ax, datafmt='b+', initfmt='r--', fitfmt='g-')
ax.text(txt_spot, .9, "RMSE: "+str(round(RMSE, 3)))
ax.text(txt_spot, .85, bf_str)
if I don't use (ax=ax) and just plot_fit(), then plt.show() it plots all three axes fine but it opens a new window. I want the plot to show up in my widget inside my program.
The problem in the self.axes.hold(False)
line which clears the figure before each call to plot
and the like. plot_fit
the last line plotted is 'data', hence all you get is the data line.
Do not use hold(False)
in general, we are thinking of removing it from upstream.