I am having an issue using RestKit.
I have an endpoint, items/
where I can GET
an array of items. Here is a sample return:
{ item_id: 1 },
{ item_id: 2 },
{ item_id: 3 }
I can also do something like items/<item_id>
to get only one item. For example, if I GET
I will get this:
{ item_id: 2 }
I mapped like this:
let itemsResponseMapping: RKObjectMapping = RKObjectMapping(withClass: MyItem.self)
itemsResponseMapping.addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary(["item_id" : "itemId"])
let responseDescriptor = RKResponseDescriptor(
mapping: itemsResponseMapping,
method: RKRequestMethod.GET,
pathPattern: "items",
keyPath: nil,
statusCodes: RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClass.Successful)
So, to request I'll do this:
parameters: nil,
success: {(operation: RKObjectRequestOperation!, mapping: RKMappingResult!) -> Void in
failure: {(operation: RKObjectRequestOperation!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
When ENDPOINT is "items" then it succeeds. But when ENDPOINT is "items/2", then I get a No response descriptors match the response loaded
. If I check operation.HTTPRequestOperation.responseString
, then I see the fetch was successful, but the problem is that it's not mapping it.
What am I missing here??
Edit: I should add that I don't own the backend, and the fix should be done in iOS.
You need to add a second response descriptor with a path pattern of items/:id
because the simple path pattern doesn't match.