Run Wine under Linux Mint 17.2. Cyrillic names of programs, menu items names, text files - all are unreadable.
Some exceptions do exist. For example, I can see Cyrillic text in CoDeSys IDE, but all my keyboard input is "????" on a screen. And Cyrillic program names are still weird...
Searched in Russian sites, but all receipts are of such kind: "I've tried so and so and this helped". Some of advice I managed to use but to no avail.
One example. I added files ru and ua in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ and inserted
uk_UA.CP1251 CP1251
ru_RU.CP1251 CP1251
in file local. Then executed locale-gen and rebooted.
Another way is to edit Wine registry. I changed Codepages=1252,437 to 1251,866 - but this change gave no result. More of it, the changes are not remembered - reentering regedit shows old Codepages.
And yes, I've added old Windows XP ttf fonts - it was the very 1-st attempt on the problem.
Now I'm at a loss. Any help appreciated, but most of all - to understand the way Wine handles fonts. If it is possible for a dummy.
For some applications it's important to have proper ansi codepage set, I know for sure that classic Delphi 5/6/7 applications suffer from this. All you need is to run them with LANG set accordingly. Like this:
LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 wine program.exe
Of course you need to have this locale present on your system, normally you don't need to reboot after enabling new locale data.