I have a simple controller:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def test_action
render plain: "OK"
And I'm posting to the action via a separate ruby file using Unirest:
require 'unirest'
resp = Unirest.post "localhost:3000/test_action.json",
headers:{ "Accept" => "application/json" },
parameters:{ foo: 1, my_list: [{foo: 1}, {foo: 2}] }
puts resp.body
When I run this I see the following in my rails console:
Parameters: {"foo"=>"1", "my_list"=>{"foo"=>"2"}}
Why is the first item in my_list missing? How can I get it to appear? Should I be using something other than Unirest for this?
When working with hashes the second key value will overwrite the first. foo: 2
gets read last and is the last assignment for foo. If you want the first item to appear you should rename it to [{"foo1":"1"}, {"foo2": 2}]