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Creating multiple sql databases of the same structure using Peewee

I am looking to create 26 separate sql databases, each with the same structure. (i.e. one for each letter of the alphabet), ideally which i can access from a dictionary or similar [i.e. to access the database corresponding to the letter a with database["a"] ].

I currently have the following code, which generates one sql database (in this case for the letter a) using peewee.

from peewee import *
database_location_a = "C:\\database\\a.db"
data_sql_a= SqliteDatabase(database_location_a, threadlocals=True, pragmas=(("synchronous", "off"),))           

class BaseModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = data_sql_a

class main_table(BaseModel):
    file_name = CharField(primary_key = True)
    year = CharField()


There are parts of this code i can easily loop over (e.g. i can easily create a dictionary of file locations). However, where i am stuck is that given the location is coded into the class Basemodel, how do i loop over that [i.e. do i need 26 separate classes, and if so, can i create that without needing to copy/paste the class 26 times]? And similarly, given main_table uses BaseModel, would i need 26 separate instances of that class as well?

I may well be going about this the wrong way, but want to know what approach could i take to adapt this code to create multiple files, without needing to copy/paste it multiple times?


  • I was able to get a running solution using the peewee database proxy object.

    from peewee import *
    database_proxy = Proxy()
    class BaseModel(Model):
        class Meta:
            database = database_proxy  # Use proxy for our DB.
    class main_table(BaseModel):
        file_name = CharField(primary_key = True)
        year = CharField()
    import string
    db_names = string.ascii_lowercase
    # print(db_names) # abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
    Loop over all the characters in the string and create databases in the current folder of this script
    for db_name in db_names:
        database = SqliteDatabase('{}.db'.format(db_name), threadlocals=True, pragmas=(("synchronous", "off"),))

    According to the Proxy documentation, you can just use that database_proxy variable as you normally would for the database object after calling database_proxy.initialize(database). For example, the connect() and create_tables() are actually being called on database through database_proxy.