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Teradata SQL : insert random data for testing into Table

I am trying to create random data and insert it into a table. Right now just thinking what'd be the efficient approaches to get this done. e.g.

Create  volatile table mytb , no fallback, no journal
( C1 integer not null
  C2 Varchar (50) Not null , 
  C3 D1 Date Not null, 
  C4 D2 date not null 
) with data primary index ( c1) on commit preserve rows; 

What I want is to insert value randomly for X iterations for a specific List or range of each column value . e.g. C1 range is between 30 and 3000000 C2 is a list with ( 'approved','pending','unknown','disputed','wip','processed','pre-processed','denied' ) etc C3 is a date between 01-01-1999 to 12-31-2015 etc Then for say 1 million iterations I'd like to insert random values for these columns and CREATE a SKEW for certain values- that is there should be abundance of these values vs the rest. Has someone had a dig at this before . What the best way to do it - recursive Q logic ?


  • I use RANDOM to produce test data:

       RANDOM(30,3000000) AS c1,
       CASE RANDOM(1,8) 
          WHEN 1 THEN 'approved'
          WHEN 2 THEN 'pending'
          WHEN 3 THEN 'unknown'
          WHEN 4 THEN 'disputed'
          WHEN 5 THEN 'wip'
          WHEN 6 THEN 'processed'
          WHEN 7 THEN 'pre-processed'
          WHEN 8 THEN 'denied'
       DATE '1999-01-01' + RANDOM(0,6208) -- up to 2015-12-31
    FROM sys_calendar.CALENDAR -- any table with a large number of rows

    This results in evenly distributed data, if you want skew you can run different insert/selects or play around with multiple RANDOMs:

    RANDOM(1,50) + RANDOM(0,50)
    (RANDOM(1, 50) * RANDOM(1,200) + RANDOM(0,100)) / 100.00