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Memory usage for bacpac restore to SQL server

I have just restored a .bacpac file into a local SQL server instance (64b v12.0.4213), the backup is from an azure sql instance.

It failed a few times with an OOM exception. I switched off everything on my machine and by the end of the restore the SQL server service instance was consuming 13GB of memory from a 700MB file!

The restore luckily finished, but it seems the memory is not being freed up/garbage collected. It's still sitting at 12GB as I write this.

Is it a known issue? Is there any way I can restore a .bacpac and select a table to ignore? You can to do this with a normal data restore, the most offensive table was a dbo.[Logs] table, obvs.


  • To configure SQL Server's use of memory, open SQL Server Management Studio, connect to the server, right-click on the server in the Object Explorer window, click properties, and then click on the Memory tab of the Server Properties window.

    As for the bacpac, you can't select which tables to restore during an import operation, but you can select which tables are exported. You can use SqlPackage.exe's export command with the /p:TableData parameter to specify which tables should be included in the bacpac. There's unfortunately no way to just specify which tables should be excluded. =^/

    SqlPackage.exe documentation is available here: