I am sending messages to Syslog using two Apache SyslogAppenders in Java. My ConversionPatterns are:
Instance-${jboss.server.name}: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
Application-MyApp: ${jboss.server.name} - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
I then have different Log4J categories configured to send different messages to either one of, or both appenders.
In my syslog configuration file, I have:
destination d_jboss_appli_integ {
template("Application-$PROGRAM: $MSG\n"));
destination d_jboss_instance_integ {
template("Instance-$PROGRAM: $MSG\n"));
Like this, what I want to have is logging to a file in /var/log/syslog-ng/JBoss/intg/Applications/MyApp/
and to a file in /var/log/syslog-ng/JBoss/intg/Instances/${jboss.server.name}/
where ${jboss.server.name}
is replaced by the name of the JBoss server.
Instead I am getting logs written to folders called Application-MyApp
and Instance-${jboss.server.name}
Is it possible to use the template() directive in Syslog to properly extract the value of $PROGRAM
from the messages, getting MyApp and ${jboss.server.name}
Thanks in advance
ps: just to be clear ${jboss.server.name}
is being properly expanded everywhere.
I found a solution: change the format of the messages so that the value that you want as the value of $PROGRAM
is the only value before the first colon:
So, the following:
Instance-${jboss.server.name}: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
Application-MyApp: ${jboss.server.name} - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
${jboss.server.name}:Instance: %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
MyApp:Application:${jboss.server.name}: - %d %-5p [%c] (%t) %m%n
That way, the template correctly returns what I want.