I've created a function to return a string of the points within a multi-point geography field in MS-SQL. I was wondering if there is a better way of doing this? What I want to is supply a list of points as a Lat/Long co-ordinates to an external client who does not use SQL geography data types (they are using SQL Lite).
Create FUNCTION [dbo].GetLatLongForPolygon
@Perimeter GEOGRAPHY
RETURNS Varchar(max)
declare @NumPoints as Int
declare @OutputString as varchar(max)
declare @latpoint as varchar(max)
declare @longpoint as varchar(max)
set @NumPoints = @Perimeter.STNumPoints()
while @NumPoints >0
set @LatPoint = @Perimeter.STPointN(@NumPoints).Lat
set @longpoint = @Perimeter.STPointN(@NumPoints).Long
set @OutputString = concat (@OutputString, '(' , @latpoint, ',', @longpoint , '), ')
set @NumPoints = @NumPoints -1
RETURN left (@OutputString, len(@outputstring)-1)
Yes. Yes there is. I'm using a tally table to eliminate the cursor and a standard idiom to emulate the missing string concatenation aggregate in T-SQL.
declare @g geography = geography::STLineFromText('LINESTRING(20 20, 21 21, 22 22)', 4236);
with cte as (
select @g.STPointN(n.Number) as [Point]
from dbadmin.dbo.Numbers as n
where n.Number <= @g.STNumPoints()
select stuff((
select ', ' + concat('(', Point.Lat, ', ', Point.Long, ')')
from cte
for xml path('')
), 1, 2, '')