Assume there are two WINDOWS Client Machine running clearcase dynamic view and connected to the same domain and logged in by the same domain account. Windows Machine 1 has View1 Windows Machine 2 has View2
Using view-extended pathname is it possible to access files/directories of view2 from Machine1? If yes, how? Thank you.
Not that I know of: dynamic views are using MVFS (MultiVersion filesystem) which is not easily shareable over the network.
You can map a view to a drive letter, but I would be surprised if that drive could be shared by Windows.
As mentioned in "About dynamic views on Windows":
All dynamic views started on a Windows client are available from the local MVFS drive, which by default is the
The alternative would be to start view2
on Machine1
Note that with extended pathname, you can indeed access version referenced by view2 from view1. What you won't be able to access are private elements and checked out elements (stored in view2 view storage).