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New-ADuser echo user password

Attempting a set up a powershell form that creates a new user in our AD, script works great but being that this is for contractors I need to echo the password that they input and save it to a csv that I am exporting. Below is what I have so far

New-ADUser -Name "$d" -AccountExpirationDate "$j" -AccountPassword (Read-Host AsSecureString "Enter a password below")


  • Secure strings aren't as secure as one might think. Read the password into a variable instead of putting Read-Host in a subexpression:

    $pw = Read-Host -AsSecureString -Prompt "Password"
    New-ADUser -Name "$d" -AccountExpirationDate "$j" -AccountPassword $pw

    and you can decrypt the secure string like this:

    $cred = New-Object Management.Automation.PSCredential ('x', $pw)