In my angular app I've got a parent directive, say a list of some sort, that contains many child directives, say items.
I'd like to be able to call a certain method on the children from the parent. I know in advance what children I'd be calling (by an input of start and end index of the items list). Therefore I wish to avoid using broadcast, as I don't want to call all children but just a selected few.
Both the children and the parent have their own isolated scopes.
How can I achieve this?
Try to create controllers
for your parent directive. That is accessible for your children directives, it's some kind of shared functions for your children directives. Then you can register a function which can add new functions to the parent controllers that u can later execute.
Let me show you with a quick example (maybe it won't work with copy-paste, its just the theory how should it look like)
//parent directive's controller function
function ParentControllerFunction(){
this.arrayOfChildFuncions = [];
//your child directive's link function
require: '^ParentControllerFunction'
link: function(scope, element, attr, ctrl){
function myLittleFunction(){
//hhere is your function that you can call
Then later on you can execute your functions depending on which one do you want to:
//executes the 3rd directive's function with the parameter 'hello'