$input = "work is hard";
if(preg_match( "/(work|shift|useful)/i",$input)){
$match[]= "this is not better match";
if(preg_match( "/(how|work|can|be|really|really|hard)/i",$input)){
$match[]= "this is better match"; // i want this match to appear first.
if i have multiple preg_match and one has more words that match the input, how can i make it so that it displays the one with the most matches. now, it just displays it in order. this is how it outputs
if(!empty($match)) {
foreach ($match as $r) {
echo "<li>$r</li>\n";
Try this:
$input = "work is hard";
$reg = array( "First match"=>"/(work|shift|useful)/i","second match"=>"/(how|work|can|be|really|really|hard)/i");
foreach($reg as $index=>$val){
$count[] = preg_match_all($val,$input);
foreach($count as $i){
$max = max($count);
$key = array_search($max,$count);
$allKeys = array_keys($reg);
echo "The Best Match is: ".$allKeys[$key]."<br>";
$del = array_search($max,$count);