I am looking for strings that contain this string [management]
Here is a model of scenario:
create table #test (st varchar(200))
insert into #test
('hello management'),
('hello [management]'),
('hello [management] blah'),
('hello [management rev] blah');
select * from #test where st like '%\[management]%' ESCAPE '\'
The above finds what I expect but why does the following not find the same strings?
select * from #test where st like '%[[]management[]]%'
Great question! Instictly it feels like %[[]text[]]% should resolve to:
But it doesn't. Because ], unlike [, doesn't start a pattern search it does not need escaping. Use %[[]text]% instead.
For more detail see the "Using Wildcard Characters As Literals" section on the MSDN Like page.