Many people use the Launcher app.
I'm curious about how Laucher be able to get the list of installed apps of my iPhone?
I have found some way to do similar thing, but all of them are not perfect.
1.use canOpenUrl:, this api requires a lot of url-schemes of apps. the plist file /private/var/mobile/Library/Caches/, which is not available in non-jailbreak iPhone. Also this plist file is not exist anymore in ios9. /Applications, which is not available in non-jailbreak iPhone.
Question is that, how can Launcher be able to search my iPhone and get the list of installed apps?
So I downloaded Launcher into iTunes and had a look at its info.plist.
It turns out that it does what you first suggested, queries canOpenURL:
a lot of times to work out what you have installed.
Here is the contents of LSApplicationQuerySchemes
from version 1.3.6:
All 4561 of them