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SSAS Cube Metadata using SSIS script component with C# program

I am using script component in ssis with C# code using Microsoft.Analysisservices namespace to fetch the cube metadata. The code looks somewhat like this

using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.AnalysisServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class ScriptMain : UserComponent

//IDTSConnectionManager100 connMgr;
Server OLAPServer = new Server();    

public override void AcquireConnections(object Transaction)

public override void PreExecute()
      Add your code here for preprocessing or remove if not needed

public override void PostExecute()
      Add your code here for postprocessing or remove if not needed
      You can set read/write variables here, for example:
      Variables.MyIntVar = 100

public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
    IDTSVariables100 vars = null;
    string OLAPDBName;
    VariableDispenser.LockOneForRead("OLAPDBName", ref vars);
    Database OLAPDB;

    OLAPDBName = vars[0].Value.ToString();
        OLAPDB = OLAPServer.Databases.GetByName(OLAPDBName);

    // loop through cubes
        CubeCollection Cubes = OLAPDB.Cubes;
        MeasureGroupCollection Mgroups;
        CubeDimensionCollection Dimensions;
        MeasureGroupDimensionCollection MgroupDims;
        DimensionAttributeCollection Attributes;

      foreach (Cube cb in Cubes)
        //Test for one Measure Group
        //MeasureGroup mgroup = Mgroups.GetByName("Inward Exposure");

          Mgroups = cb.MeasureGroups;
        // all dimensions associated with that Measure Group

          // loop through Measure Groups
          foreach (MeasureGroup mg in Mgroups)
              // loop though all cube dimensions
              Dimensions = cb.Dimensions;**strong text**
              foreach (CubeDimension dim in Dimensions)
                   bool CanBeAnalysed = false;**strong text**
                  // loop through dimensions and see if dimension exists in mgroupDims (ie check if it can be analysed)

                  MgroupDims = mg.Dimensions;
                  foreach (MeasureGroupDimension mgd in MgroupDims)
                      if (mgd.CubeDimension == dim)
                          CanBeAnalysed = true;



                 // loop through each Measure and Attribute a
                  String DimName = dim.Name;
                  bool DimVisible = dim.Visible;
                  String MgroupName = mg.Name;
                  String CubeName = cb.Name;
                  String MeasureExpression;
                  String Description;

                  // for every attribute in dimension
                  Attributes = dim.Dimension.Attributes;                          

                  foreach (DimensionAttribute Attr in Attributes)
                      String AttrName = Attr.Name;
                      bool AttrVisible = Attr.AttributeHierarchyVisible;
                      String AttrNameColumn = Attr.NameColumn.ToString();
                      String AttributeRelationship = Attr.AttributeRelationships.ToString();

                      // get every measure in measuregroup

                      foreach (Measure m in mg.Measures)
                          String MeasureName = m.Name.ToString();
                          bool MeasureVisible = m.Visible;
                          String MeasureNameColumn = m.Source.ToString();

                          if (m.MeasureExpression != null)
                             // MessageBox.Show(m.MeasureExpression.ToString());
                              MeasureExpression = m.MeasureExpression.ToString();

                             // MessageBox.Show(m.MeasureExpression.ToString());
                              MeasureExpression = " " ;

                          if (m.Description != null)
                              // MessageBox.Show(m.MeasureExpression.ToString());
                              Description = m.Description.ToString();

                              // MessageBox.Show(m.MeasureExpression.ToString());
                              Description = " ";

                          Output0Buffer.OLAPDBName = OLAPDBName;
                          Output0Buffer.CubeName = CubeName;
                          Output0Buffer.DimensionName = DimName;
                          Output0Buffer.DimensionVisible = DimVisible;
                          Output0Buffer.AttrDDSColumn = AttrNameColumn;
                          Output0Buffer.AttrName = AttrName;
                          Output0Buffer.AttrVisible = AttrVisible;
                          Output0Buffer.MeasureGroupName = MgroupName;
                          Output0Buffer.MeasureName = MeasureName;
                          Output0Buffer.MeasureVisible = MeasureVisible;
                          Output0Buffer.MeasureDDSColumn = MeasureNameColumn;
                          Output0Buffer.IsAnalysable = CanBeAnalysed;
                          Output0Buffer.MeasureExpression = MeasureExpression;
                          Output0Buffer.Description = Description;
                          Output0Buffer.AttributeRelationship = AttributeRelationship;


              } // end of Cube Dim Loop

          } // end of Measure Group loop

      } // end of cube loop



I was successful in getting the cube metadata with the above code.However, i am stuck at getting the metadata of the perspective cube and the Relationships of the measure groups i.e whether the measure groups are many-many. Any help is very much appreciated.


  • Here is some code for detecting dimension relationships including many-to-many. See the GetDimensionUsage function:

    Here is some code around navigating perspectives:

    Start reading around the following line:

    if (perspective.MeasureGroups.Contains(mg.Name))