based on the below two calculations I get numbers that are very close but there is a minor difference. Is this due to rounding? (Data is downloaded from Yahoo)
2007-12-31 -0.06995571
2008-12-31 -0.43571264
2009-12-31 0.22058512
2010-12-31 -0.10458219
2011-12-30 -0.25523618
2012-12-31 0.38690270
2013-12-31 0.04151717
2014-12-31 -0.11737805
2015-12-31 -0.15820108
2016-01-06 -0.04281099
2007-12-31 -0.07190533
2008-12-31 -0.43571057
2009-12-31 0.22058133
2010-12-31 -0.10457942
2011-12-30 -0.25523699
2012-12-31 0.38690493
2013-12-31 0.04150802
2014-12-31 -0.11737174
2015-12-31 -0.15820416
2016-01-06 -0.04281099
[1] NA
Using quantmod version 0.4-5 and R version 3.2.3
Yes, it's due to rounding. The adjusted column in the raw Yahoo data only has 3 decimal places of precision. The calculated adjusted prices have more precision. To illustrate:
R> head(merge(Ad(`0005.HK`),Cl(adjustOHLC(`0005.HK`))))
X0005.HK.Adjusted X0005.HK.Close
2007-01-01 135.014 135.0135
2007-01-02 135.961 135.9610
2007-01-03 137.098 137.0980
2007-01-04 136.245 136.2452
2007-01-05 135.866 135.8663
2007-01-08 134.824 134.8240