my root dir id
i want to create directory at /var/www/
ie /var/www/myfolder
i'm executing create_dir.php from
when i execute this program it's unable to create folder.
in log i'm getting permission denide. update
This is my code
echo "File path:$cur_file_path<br>";
$scount=substr_count($cur_file_path, '/');
echo "/ count:$scount<br>";
$doc_root= $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] ;
echo "doc root:$doc_root<br>";
$ds=substr_count("$cur_file_path","/");//directory seperator
echo "Count of /=$ds<br>";
$ds=substr_count("$cur_file_path","'\'");//directory seperator
exec("mkdir ".$dir);
how to solve this.
That is a security problem as it gives read and write access to the world. It may be that your apache user does not have read/write permissions on the directory.
Here's what you do if $os_type=='Linux'
1. Make sure all files are owned by the Apache group and user. In Linux it is the www-data group and user
exec('chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/webserver/www',$ouput,$result);
2. Next enabled all members of the www-data group to read and write files
exec('chmod -R g+rw /path/to/webserver/www',$ouput,$result);
The php mkdir()
function should now work without returning errors. You can also see the error output in $output in case of error.
There is the another way to create directory using ftp:
You can try mkdir with ftp, mkdir works with stream wrappers, so it's ok to write mkdir('ftp://user:pass@server/mydir');
If you have problems with the SAFE MODE Restriction in effect i.e. if you try to create and access to subdirectorys
recursive you can use ftp-lib like this.
DEFINE ('FTP_USER','yourUser');
DEFINE ('FTP_PASS','yourPassword');
* Returns the created directory or false.
* @param Directory to create (String)
* @return Created directory or false;
function mkDirFix ($path) {
$path = explode("/",$path);
$conn_id = @ftp_connect("localhost");
if(!$conn_id) {
return false;
if (@ftp_login($conn_id, FTP_USER, FTP_PASS)) {
foreach ($path as $dir) {
if(!$dir) {
if(!@ftp_chdir($conn_id,$currPath)) {
if(!@ftp_mkdir($conn_id,$currPath)) {
return false;
return $currPath;
Maybe it helps.