I'm trying to enforce a validation rule that timestamps in input Json must have a timezone specified, using format DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME
. When the input is incorrect, I want to return a message indicating bad format.
This snippet works to parse data in expected format:
implicit val instantReads = Reads[Instant] {
js => js.validate[String].map[Instant](tsString =>
Instant.from(OffsetDateTime.parse(tsString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME))
But throws a DateTimeParseException
if format is wrong.
How can I fix it to return JsError("Wrong datetime format")
instead of throwing an exception?
You can use Read.flatMap
implicit val instantReads = Reads[Instant] {
_.validate[String].flatMap[Instant] { tsString =>
try { // or Try [T]
JsSuccess (Instant.from(OffsetDateTime.parse(tsString, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_OFFSET_DATE_TIME)))
} catch {
case cause: Throwable =>
JsError("Wrong datetime format")