I have a question regarding the Portfolio Optimization in R. I am very new to R and have tried to study and look answers but I'm not sure whether it is correct. I hope someone can assist me here.
I have obtained covariance matrix from the asset modelling using econometric model (In here, I use DCC GARCH to model my asset returns). After I do the forecasting, I will get the covariance matrix. So, now, How do I use this covariance matrix for Portfolio Optimization using fPortfolio package? Most of the examples that I found uses only the asset returns to do portfolio optimization. But how about if we use the forecasted mean and variance-covariance of the asset returns in order to create optimal asset allocation models?
I have the following reproducible code.
EuStockLevel <- as.zoo(EuStockMarkets)[,c("DAX","CAC","FTSE")]
EuStockRet <- diff(log(EuStockLevel))
uspec = ugarchspec(mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0,0)), variance.model = list(garchOrder = c(1,1), model = "sGARCH"), distribution.model = "norm")
spec1 = dccspec(uspec = multispec( replicate(3, uspec) ), dccOrder = c(1,1), distribution = "mvnorm")
fit1 = dccfit(spec1, data = EuStockRet, fit.control = list(eval.se=T))
dcc.focast=dccforecast(fit1, n.ahead = 1, n.roll = 0)
covmat.focast = rcov(dcc.focast)
covmat = covmat.focast$`1975-02-03`[,,1] ##The Covariance matrix
DAX 0.0002332114 0.0001624446 0.0001321865
CAC 0.0001624446 0.0001799988 0.0001139339
FTSE 0.0001321865 0.0001139339 0.0001372812
So now I want to apply the covariance that I obtained for the portfolio optimization.
##Optimization (Use the forecasted variance covariance matrix!!!)
##You must convert your dataset into "timeSeries" object for R to be able to read it in fportfolio.
##To compute efficient portfolio
All.Data <- as.timeSeries(100* EuStockRet)
##Equal weight portfolio
ewPortfolio <- feasiblePortfolio(data = All.Data,spec = ewSpec,constraints = "LongOnly")
##Minimum risk efficient portfolio
minriskSpec <- portfolioSpec()
targetReturn <- getTargetReturn(ewPortfolio@portfolio)["mean"]
setTargetReturn(minriskSpec) <- targetReturn
#Now, we optimize the portfolio for the specified target return :-
minriskPortfolio <- efficientPortfolio(data = All.Data,spec = minriskSpec,constraints = "LongOnly")
So, where actually do we input the covariance matrix? And is what I have done correct? Appreciate if anyone can assist me here.
Instead of using the functions in packages zoo, rugarch, rmgarch to create the covariance matrix separately, you could pass your EuroStockRet
object as a timeseries
to the fPortfolio
function fPortfolio::covEstimator
(see ?covEstimator
) which takes a timeseries
object and returns an object in the data argument's format expected by feasiblePortfolio
. Something like:
EuStockRet_with_cov <- covEstimator(x=EuStockRet);
ewPortfolio <- feasiblePortfolio(data = EuStockRet_with_cov, spec = ewSpec, constraints = "LongOnly");
There are also various otherways that fPortfiolio
can calculate covariances. They are detailed on page 37: fPortfolio Package