I am trying to display an Bootstrap tooltip much easier and cleaner inside twig template. I want to achieve something like this: <i class="icon" {{'this is great tooltip'|tooltip}}></i>
I've created twig filter:
class TooltipExtension extends \Twig_Extension{
public function getFilters()
return array(
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('tooltip', array($this, 'tooltipFilter',['is_safe'=>['html']])),
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('tooltip_top', array($this, 'tooltipTopFilter')),
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('tooltip_bottom', array($this, 'tooltipBottomFilter')),
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('tooltip_left', array($this, 'tooltipLeftFilter')),
new \Twig_SimpleFilter('tooltip_right', array($this, 'tooltipRightFilter')),
public function tooltipFilter($title, $direction = "top")
case "top":
return $this->tooltipTopFilter($title);
case "bottom":
return $this->tooltipBottomFilter($title);
case "left":
return $this->tooltipLeftFilter($title);
case "right":
return $this->tooltipRightFilter($title);
public function tooltipTopFilter($title)
return ' data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=top title="'.$title.'" ';
public function tooltipBottomFilter($title)
return ' data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=bottom title='.$title.' ';
public function tooltipLeftFilter($title)
return ' data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=left title='.$title.' ';
public function tooltipRightFilter($title)
return ' data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=right title='.$title.' ';
public function getName()
return 'tooltip_extension';
It returns string just as I want to be. But, in html code it looks like this:
<i data-original-title=""this" class="icon" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="" is="" great="" tooltip"=""></i>
As you can see, I've added ['is_safe'=>['html']]
but it doesn't changed anything at all.
I was trying to change space to hard-space but without effect.
What is worse, tooltip displays like that: ignoring all spaces and quotation marks or apostrophes. It should looks like this:
Please, help me how to fix it! :)
Thanks to @Ilya Yarkovets I've found way to solve that problem. All I needed to do is to change $title by making this:
$title = html_entity_decode(str_replace(' ', ' ', $title));
return ' data-toggle=tooltip data-placement=top title='.($title).' ';
&thinsp was better than   because of text-wrapping.